KOMSOS-Kalasan. To support the Vaccination Acceleration program by tni Kodim Sleman, the TNI collaborated with Maria Marganingsih Kalasan Parish to become the committee for the implementation of vaccinations. Vaccination was held on Saturday, September 18, 2021 and took place in the front yard of the church and classroom of Kanisius Pancapana Kalasan Junior High School. […]
Flowing Blessings with the Parish of St. Yusuf Bandung Gunungkidul
September 21, 2021, East Yogyakarta Kevikepan, APP Team for East Yogyakarta Kevikepan, and PSE St. Parish. Yusuf Bandung together visited the location of the construction of houses and the distribution of clean water for several residents. The construction of this simple livable house was intended for one of the people, Mrs. Hermin, who really needed […]
Guidelines for the 2020 Eucharist Celebration
Dear brothers and sisters, here is a Practical Guide to the 2020 Eucharistic Celebration. The guide is divided into five different sections, please click on the video according to the topic you want to learn. Greetings and Opening Rites Part 1: Opening Rite Part 2: Liturgy of the Word: Eucharistic Liturgy: Closing Rites: Thank you. […]
The Face of Diversity in the Mass Vaccination of the Parish of St. Peter and Paul Minomartani

The position of the sun moving towards the southern hemisphere, causing morning in the area of Jl. Bandeng II no 23, Sleman, Special Region of Yogyakarta, feels warmer than usual. The parking area, which is the entrance to the first phase of the mass vaccination, has been guarded by volunteers to ensure the participants have […]
Eucharistic Celebration of the Opening of the Diocesan Synod

Brothers and sisters, let us unite in the Eucharistic Celebration of the Opening of the Diocesan Synod which was directly led by Mgr. Robertus Rubiyatmoko, Archbishop of Semarang Archdiocese On Sunday, October 17, 2021 at 18.30 WIB . Post a reminder at: God Bless you
Vaccination of Belarasa at the Catholic Church complex of The Administrative Parish of Santa Maria Mater Dei Bonoharjo

The green expanse of leeks, warmly welcomed the morning sun on the edge of Bonoharjo Street, Sentolo, Kulon Progo, DIY. The invited guest car is neatly parked in accordance with the directions of the Police and the committee. On Tuesday, September 28, 2021, located at the Catholic Church complex of The Administrative Parish of Santa […]