KOMSOS-Kalasan. To support the Vaccination Acceleration program by tni Kodim Sleman, the TNI collaborated with Maria Marganingsih Kalasan Parish to become the committee for the implementation of vaccinations. Vaccination was held on Saturday, September 18, 2021 and took place in the front yard of the church and classroom of Kanisius Pancapana Kalasan Junior High School.
Nasaria Cahyantini Agus Siswanto as the chairman of the vaccination organizer explained that the victim appointed Maria Marganingsih Kalasan Parish to carry out vaccinations that were fully supported by tni Kodim Sleman. The committee is working with the entire daily pastoral council, church faithful, and health teams to become committees. Not only that, the committee also synergizes with the district of Kalasan, Koramil, and also The Kalasan Police.
A total of 1550 stocks of sinovac vaccine were prepared by tni and dinkes Sleman. This vaccination program is enthusiastically welcomed by Catholics as well as citizens in general who have not received the first dose of vaccine. According to the data, the number of participants from Maria Marganingsih Parish reached 550 people, while 157 participants came from other parishes and 838 participants were citizens of the general public. This is proof that church services can reach more and more citizens with a variety of backgrounds. Vaccination begins at 7:30 and ends at 2 p.m.
“I as a committee and parishioner Maria Marganingsih Kalasan am very proud. We can display the face of the Church that is friendly in front of the general public and the government,” said the energetic woman who is familiarly called Bu Agus.
Found KOMSOS-Kalasan, Father Antonius Dadang Hermawan, Pr., as the father of Maria Marganingsih Kalasan Parish, also expressed his happiness with the implementation of this vaccination.
“First, I am very happy because the vaccination program is running smoothly and your enthusiasm is also very good. Second, all people with all the potential, the virtues of life and their abilities and talents are contributed for the implementation of this vaccination. That is, synergy between people occurs. Panti Rini Hospital is also very helpful related to flow, registration, etc. May this be a blessing for the people of Kalasan and may our presence be meaningful. All are healthy and Indonesia is healthy,” explained Rm Dadang.
From the beginning, the implementation of vaccines went in an orderly and smooth manner. When the participants came, they were then directed by the committee to go to the pre-registration place which was right in the parking lot of the church in front of IGD Panti Rini Hospital. In this initial stage and post, participants are temperature checked and required to fill out a form. Furthermore, vaccine participants go to the registration place to enter the name, address, and HP number guided by the committee. This registration place is in front of the church pendopo with rows of chairs that have been neatly arranged.
The third post is a screening post that is to the right of the church pendopo. This post is where tension measurements and questions and answers about health to determine whether or not participants follow the vaccine. After the participants were declared eligible, participants began to be vaccinated in the classroom of Kanisius Pancapana Kalasan Junior High School. Then the participants waited at the pendopo to make observations after the vaccine. Participants waited for 15 minutes to find out whether or not there were side effects after the vaccine. The last post is the final data input post that is carried out on the left side of the church pendopo by the committee.
“The committee is friendly and willing to direct well. The service is very fast,” said Mrs. Narti and Mrs. Sutinem, vaccine recipients from Kalibening Hamlet, Kalasan when interviewed by KOMSOS-Kalasan.
According to Siwi Walyani, coordinator of the health sector of Maria Marganingsih Kalasan Parish, the total health team reached 48 people including the coordinator. There are 21 screening teams plus 5 doctors from the TNI, 15 vaccineators, and 6 people who served in the KIPI (observation) post. This health team is a combination of doctors from Panti Rapih Foundation, Stikes Panti Rapih, Ikatan Bidan Indonesia (IBI) Panti Rapih as a vaccineator, Panti Rini Hospital, Panti Rapih graduates, and Kalasan Health Center. There is also a first aid team that is ready to provide post-vaccination layaan.
Interviewed by Komsos-Kalasan, Second Lieutenant Ahmadi, as Head of Kartika Kodim Clinic 0732 Sleman and as the person in charge of vaccination of Sleman regency (especially the source of the vaccine from the TNI) explained that the implementation of vaccination in Kalasan parish went very well.
“In general, the implementation of vaccinations is very good. The place is qualified. The prokes are going well. People are also very enthusiastic about receiving vaccines. Hopefully this vaccination can improve the health of the community,” explained Second Lieutenant Ahmadi.
Meanwhile, accompanied by Bernadus Purnama (Secretary 1st Secretary of the Parish Pastoral Council Maria Marganingsih Kalasan), Rm Adrianus Maradiyo, Pr., (Vikep Yogyakarta Timur) was also seen monitoring the implementation of vaccinations.
“I would like to thank the priests and the pastoral council of Maria Marganingsih Kalasan parish who have facilitated vaccinations especially in Sleman district. We continue to try to take part in breaking the Covid-19 chain with vaccination programs. The implementation of this vaccination is extraordinary,” explained Rm. Maradiyo.
Rm Maradiyo also hopes that health protocols should continue to be run with discipline. On that occasion, Father Maradiyo also thanked the various parties involved; TNI, Polri, Dinkes, Panti Rini Hospital, Panti Rapih Foundation, Stikes Panti Rapih, midwife association, as well as OMK involvement. Father Maradiyo also added that the handling of this covid should be a joint movement, synergizing between churches, citizens, the government, dinkes, nakes, hospitals, etc. With the implementation of this vaccination is expected to be able to break the covid-19 chain and we continue to hope that the condition will soon recover, of course by applying a new lifestyle.
Coverage: Isabela Thyana and Yusup Priyasudiarja (Komsos Kalasan)
Photograph: Gus Nanang and Isabela Thyana (Komsos Kalasan)