Father Matheus Wahyudi, MSF, Parish Priest of the Holy Bull Family, affirmed that “The family is the basic cell of the church and society. Therefore, if the family is healthy then the church and society are healthy as well.”
That spirit is what drives the Holy Bull Family Parish to carry out covid-19 vaccinations for the people and the community. The parish cooperated with the West Yogyakarta Kevikepan and the Health Office in the implementation of this mass vaccination.
Parish is active in inviting people and communities who have not received the opportunity for vaccines, to immediately register and get the vaccine. The active pro-parish-neighborhood and territory administrators make the faithful and citizens enthusiastic as well. On September 17, 2021 since 08.30 wib, the south side of the Sacred Bull Family Church began to be filled with people and communities who will follow mass vaccinations. Due to the number of participants who reached 1000, vaccinations were held at 3 different times to avoid the crowd, namely at 9, 10, and 11 WIB.
The implementation of this vaccination took place orderly and lancer thanks to the collaboration of alertness and friendliness of officers in serving vaccination participants. This event was also attended by the Regent of Sleman, Dra Hj. Kustini Sri Purnomo, Deputy Regent of Sleman Danang Maharsa, SE and Vicar of Episcopal Kevikepan Of West Yogyakarta Father Alphonsus Rodriques Yudono Suwondo, Pr.