The Creation of a Healthy Society Starts from a Healthy Family
Father Matheus Wahyudi, MSF, Parish Priest of the Holy Bull Family, affirmed that “The family is the basic cell of the church and society. Therefore, if the family is healthy then the church and society are healthy as well.” That spirit is what drives the Holy Bull Family Parish to carry out covid-19 vaccinations for […]
KOMSOS-Kalasan. To support the Vaccination Acceleration program by tni Kodim Sleman, the TNI collaborated with Maria Marganingsih Kalasan Parish to become the committee for the implementation of vaccinations. Vaccination was held on Saturday, September 18, 2021 and took place in the front yard of the church and classroom of Kanisius Pancapana Kalasan Junior High School. […]
Vaccination of Belarasa at the Catholic Church complex of The Administrative Parish of Santa Maria Mater Dei Bonoharjo

The green expanse of leeks, warmly welcomed the morning sun on the edge of Bonoharjo Street, Sentolo, Kulon Progo, DIY. The invited guest car is neatly parked in accordance with the directions of the Police and the committee. On Tuesday, September 28, 2021, located at the Catholic Church complex of The Administrative Parish of Santa […]